FacadeMD Facade Maintenance Design, PC

 About FacadeMD

FacadeMD prepares detailed construction plan documents and materials specifications preparatory to competitive bidding. These drawings and specifications, based on FacadeMD's professional investigative assessment of the project, cost estimates and client approvals, pave the way for contracts to be evaluated and awarded and work to be coordinated and scheduled.

FacadeMD's technical expertise and professional experience provide drawings and documents that incorporate proven industry practices and appropriate compliance with building codes, historic preservation guidelines and other professional and procedural criteria.

As the client's representative, FacadeMDis prepared to evaluate contractor and trade craft qualifications, and provide any necessary clarifications regarding the design documents. FacadeMD's demonstrated ability to balance these concerns against the client's budget and rehabilitation or restoration objectives has resulted in an enviable track record of repeat clientele and peer-to-peer referrals.
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